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A member registered Sep 05, 2020

Recent community posts

I think there is a bug at the laundry room every time I try to go in it the game crashes

I'm doing the quest in the arcade were u have to turn on the backup generators I'm putting the right code in but nothing happens and when I go back to the stage it still dark

When do u think testing will be estimated to finish I really like the game and can't wait to play more

What's the estimate time testing will be done?

how do u increase your status I got my charisma to one and I don't know how to get my strength up or even how I got my charisma up in the first place

same thing happened to me and I really would love to try the game 

I'm playing on mobile and I can't get any skills or items all I'm able to do is unlock stats or something I need to do or is my game bug

Not to sure I'm at 98% u do the teachers quest line it's all side quests

Town of Passion community · Created a new topic Bug?

I'm doing the sirens trial for the mermaid queen and where it's telling me to do right right up right down down down left cut there's nothing to cut I'm not sure if it's a bug or if I'm doing something wrong can someone let me know please

Dose anyone remember what the first month so you are supposed to look at I remember doing the quest line before but I forgot to read what month is you're supposed to get skipped through it